Porsche at a Glance
Porsche is one of the world's most successful luxury automotive manufacturers (based on 2021 unit sales in the global luxury automotive segment; source: S&P Global, "S&P Global Mobility Light Vehicle Sales Forecast", April 2022). Porsche believes that its iconic brand is synonymous with design and engineering heritage, racing legacy, performance, modern and sustainable luxury, prestige, innovation, technological achievement and reliability.
Equity Story
Corporate Strategy
Mission 2030
“In the beginning, I looked around and could not find quite the car I dreamed of. So I decided to build it myself.” With this aspiration, trailblazer Ferry Porsche set the tone for the future. It is now more than 70 years since he built the 356 and created the Porsche sports car brand. Since then, his words have lost none of their appeal. Quite the opposite, in fact. Ferry Porsche’s statement perfectly describes the current mission with which the company is shaping the future.
Vision 2030
The company’s vision carries Ferry Porsche’s mindset into the future: “The brand for those who follow their dreams.” This explicitly includes the employees. Chairman of the Executive Board Oliver Blume says: “Porsche epitomises freedom and independence – and the inner drive to achieve goals. To this day, nothing has changed in that regard. We want to help our customers realise their lifelong dreams.”
Facts & Figures
Sales Revenue
Return on Sales1
Automotive EBITDA margin2
Automotive Net Cash Flow margin3
BEV Share
1 Ratio of Group Operating Profit to Group Revenue (Non-IFRS measure)
2 Ratio of Automotive EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) to Automotive Revenue (Non-IFRS measure)
3 Ratio of Automotive Net Cash Flow to Automotive Revenue (Non-IFRS measure)
as of December 31, 2024
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