Porsche – Pursuing sustainable performance

For us, sustainability is a central part of modern luxury and further drives Porsche‘s differentiation.

To best serve our customers and to become a role model for sustainability performance, we set ambitious goals.

Porsche Newsroom

Working towards a net carbon neutral value chain of newly produced vehicles in 2030¹

> 80 % BEV share ambition of new vehicles delivered in 2030 – depending on the demand of our customers and the development of electromobility in the respective regions of the world

Ambition to reduce environmental pollution by 45 % per car in 2025²

Strategic Pillars


Net carbon neutrality across the value chain of newly produced vehicles in 2030 describes Porsche's ambition to avoid and reduce carbon emissions towards neutrality, especially within production, supply chain and the use-phase of cars delivered. Porsche's decarbonization strategy includes offsets.

Circular Economy

Porsche aspires to use sustainable materials in its vehicles and close resource cycles. We aim to implement more circular production processes maximizing resources, material and energy efficiency and optimizing waste and water management.


Porsche intends to promote a corporate culture in which everyone is welcome and can apply their skills. The Group has set itself the goal of quantifiably establishing diversity criteria within the Group by 2030. A key focus for the Group to achieve this aim is to increase the number of mixed teams, which bring together different perspectives throughout the organization.

Partner to society

Porsche sees itself as a partner to society and seeks to empower, in particular, disadvantaged and underserved populations. It is our vision to achieve quantifiable improvement in people’s circumstances through our social projects regionally at our locations and globally in the markets in which we operate.

Supply Chain Responsibility

Porsche sees its corporate responsibility as extending beyond its factory gates. Therefore, we challenge and collaborate with our suppliers. Environmental and compliance as well as social aspects, including human rights, among others, are selection criteria for direct suppliers.

Governance & Transparency

For Porsche, ethical behavior is essential, not only because we aim to follow the expectations customers, partners and society have towards us. Acting and doing business with integrity are crucial for Porsche and its management.

Selected memberships & partner

¹ This target covers Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Net carbon neutrality along the value chain of the newly produced vehicles describes the Porsche AG Group’s ambition to avoid and reduce CO₂ emissions, especially during production (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions), in the supply chain and use phase of the vehicles delivered (upstream and downstream Scope 3 emissions), but also in other Scope 3 categories, such as professional travel. Avoided emissions and removals (offsets) through climate change mitigation projects are included in the Porsche AG Group’s decarbonization strategy. Therefore, in order to achieve net carbon neutrality, the remaining emissions along the value chain of the newly produced vehicles should be offset. Emissions of vehicles produced prior to achieving net carbon neutrality along the value chain of the vehicles are not taken into account for the calculation of the carbon balance. Realizing the Porsche AG Group’s ambition depends upon various factors, for example, technological progress that has not yet been fully developed, and also on regulatory or economic developments that are outside the Porsche AG Group’s control and may therefore not be realizable.

² Ambition to achieve a reduction of 45% of environmental pollution per vehicle in Porsche's own production between 2014 and 2025, including energy usage, CO2, waste for disposal, water and volatile organic compounds per vehicle.